17. Averaging principle for SDEs with singular drifts driven by alpha-stable processes.
(with Mengyu Cheng and Xicheng Zhang)
16. Quantitative approximation of stochastic kinetic equations: from discrete to continuum.
(with Khoa Lê and Chengcheng Ling)
15. Convergence rate of the Euler-Maruyama scheme to density dependent SDEs driven by α-stable additive noise.
(with Ke Song)
14. Flow-distribution dependent SDEs and Navier-Stokes equations with fractional Brownian motion.
(with Michael Röckner and Xicheng Zhang)
13. Propagation of chaos for moderately interacting particle systems related to singular kinetic Mckean-Vlasov SDEs
(with Jean-Francois Jabir, Stéphane Menozzi, Michael Röckner and Xicheng Zhang)
12. SDEs with supercritical distributional drifts.
(with Xicheng Zhang)
11. SDE driven by cylindrical α-stable process with distributional drift and application.
(with Mingyan Wu)
10. Second order fractional mean-field SDEs with singular kernels and measure initial data.
(with Michael Röckner and Xicheng Zhang)
To appear in Ann. Probab.
9. Strong convergence of propagation of chaos for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with singular interactions.
(with Michael Röckner and Xicheng Zhang)
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 56(2) (March 2024)
8. Strong and weak convergence for averaging principle of DDSDE with singular drift.
(with Mengyu Cheng and Michael Röckner)
Bernoulli 30(2): 1586-1610 (May 2024)
7. Singular kinetic equations and applications.
(with Xicheng Zhang, Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu)
Ann. Probab. 52(2): 576-657 (March 2024)
6. Schauder Estimates for Nonlocal Equations with Singular Lévy Measures.
(with Zhen Wang and Mingyan Wu)
Potential Anal. (October 2023)
5. Well-posedness of density dependent SDE driven by α -stable process with Hölder drifts.
(with Mingyan Wu)
Stochastic Process. Appl. 164 416–442 (October 2023)
4. Hörmander's hypoelliptic theorem for nonlocal operators.
(with Xuhui Peng and Xicheng Zhang)
J. Theoret. Probab. 34(4) 1870–1916 (December 2021)
3. Euler scheme for density dependent stochastic differential equations.
(with Michael Röckner and Xicheng Zhang)
J. Differential Equations 274 996–1014 (February 2021)
2. Hölder regularity and gradient estimates for SDEs driven by cylindrical α-stable processes.
(with Zhen-Qing Chen and Xicheng Zhang)
Electron. J. Probab. 25 1--23 (October 2020)
1. Schauder estimates for nonlocal kinetic equations and applications.
(with Mingyan Wu and Xicheng Zhang)
J. Math. Pures Appl. 140 139--184 (August 2020)